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Jumia donates 100,000 masks to aid fight against Covid-19
May 9, 2020Donations

Leading e-commerce platform Jumia donated 100,000 masks to the Ministry of Health in support of community health workers who are in the front line in combating the novel coronavirus in the country.
The online platform has also availed its integrated logistics network to support the distribution of essential food and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) across the country as part of the SafeHands Coalition.
The donations were received by Amref Health Africa and Kenya Red Cross, which serves under the National Emergency Response Committee to contain the Covid-19.
Front line workers all across the country are protecting us and leading the fight against COVID-19. These heroes deserve our full support – and it is with this aim that we are making a small contribution to the fight. E-commerce platforms like Jumia, with cashless payments and contactless delivery capabilities, are uniquely positioned to be part of Kenya’s response strategy to this pandemic. And stand ready to serve,
said Sam Chappatee, Jumia Kenya CEOAccording to the National Emergency Response Committee, the masks will be distributed to frontline health workers countrywide to ensure their safety as they respond to the virus.
The face masks will be distributed to the health workers, who are on the front line responding to suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19,
said Dr. Githinji Gitahi, the Group CEO of Amref Health AfricaJumia backed the government’s efforts in the fight against coronavirus, saying its platform contactless and cashless delivery options to eliminate physical contact and hence reducing local community infections.
Jumia added that it has reduced prices of food and sanitary commodities on the platform and also sourced PPEs from China at a cheaper and faster rate for governments and private healthcare providers in Kenya and the rest of Africa.
Read the original article on NairobiNews
About Jumia
Jumia is a leading e-commerce platform in Africa. Our marketplace is supported by our proprietary logistics business, Jumia Logistics, and our digital payment and fintech platform, JumiaPay. Jumia Logistics enables the seamless delivery of millions of packages while JumiaPay facilitates online payments and the distribution of a broad range of digital and financial services.
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For more information about Jumia:
Abdesslam Benzitouni
[email protected]